Sunday, April 03, 2005

Spring Sunday

The idyllic charm of boulder spring has arrived. The grass is green again. There's a mild scent in the air. The little hyacinths are bravely brandishing their colors against the bright sunshine. A promiscous bee bamboozles the flowers in mad delight, carefully kissing one after another. Families are out bicycling along the boulder-creek; Moms daughters sons and Dads in pinks and yellows and whites, wearing enthusiasm and smiles. Young are out playing, cuddling, sun-bathing. Once in a while, I spot a grandma or a grandpa, sitting on a bench under the shade, reading a book, or perhaps, staring at a passerby.

I sit by the creek for a while. Protected by the trees, the creek runs carefree, gushing forth with a loud din. My mind slips away, just for a little while, imagining an unknown song, humming with the uproarious waters, caressing the the stones, and the grass, and the trees, and the sky.

More on geeks, continued from day before.

Geek coders, have this peculiar habit of dissappearing in labryinths of codes. So if your geek boyfriend, has been missing, donot worry, he is not screwing around, he surely will be in dungeon(lab), breaking his head on the computer.

A gorgeous geek female and a handsome geek male, were working late night on a project. The male asks "Where shall we sleep ?" The answer was "Between lines 16 and 17". You see, sleep is a function used to make programs sleep (technically, relinquishing the cpu). They were talking of where to put that, in the lines of code.

Geek coders, like to code in the silence of the nights, when the only humane sound is themselves munching vending machine trifles, or sipping caffeine or a carbonated drink.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful description of a nice warm day. The bees remind me of huge dahliahs back home.

Your post made me sing, ol' happy days...

anshul said...

sthira, thankyou.