Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What Trash !

Ok. I have just figured out that my code is trashing because linux 2.6 kernel has preemption and my kernel module is being removed before the daemon it started trashes itself, voluntarily. With no obvious solution in sight, my mind willfully wanders free, to search for one. Before that it visits some blogs. Again. Reads some news, again. And wants to write something funny for siphar. But writing funny is a difficult thing I tell ya. Like for example. There is a Microsoft mouse that sits on a dell mouse-pad, near a trash bin. What's funny in that ? Nothing. Like there's a sprint-pcs cell phone, near the unwashed coffee-mug near a napkin trash. Nothing funny here too. Then there's a lot of paper on my desk, deserving its space in a bin that is trash. Nothing funny here too. There in the corner lies a non-calorie sweetner, on the desk of a twenty-six year old, on top of a linux journal magazine, most of which was trash. You know, I can go on and on, and eventually jump to the conclusion that life is mostly trash. See now, I just gave a you a little peek into a trashy little world, and most probably all you can think of is nothing funny in trash. Hee. Ok, I better cleanup all that " ".

Now a mental exercise. If I were to rename five Bond movies with trash what will they be ? (Ek minute. The idea of discussing Bond and Bond related stuff, comes from no-url-left)
1. Trash Never Dies
2. The World's Trash is Not Enough.
3. License to Trash.
4. The Spy Who Trashed Me.5. You Only Trash Twice.

Have a " " free day.

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