Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Spin

(With imagination, the quality will be bearable)

(A morning one and a half years ago)
It is 7:13am and I walk out of my apartment complex towards the bus stop. I find the sun has come out. The mountains are still covered with snow. A few steps and I see the stream. The sun rays glisten and gleam and glide on the flowing water. The water has become golden. It is less dirty then yesterday. The cold is mild and there a gentle breeze coming from the mountains. It feels good when it touches my ears. The surrounding is full of trees. There is a sagely tree on my left. It is white in color and there is slight golden tinge on it of the morning sun rays. Its branches are spread and is quite tall. The branches tenderly wave with the wind. A few birds are chattering sweetly. They make all kinds of sounds. I look up to see the birds. I am captivated by the lake gulls. They are flying low today. Two geese swiftly pass by. My eyes follow the geese for a while and back to watching the gulls. The breeze has grown in strength and I find a gull flipping. It spins three-sixty once. twice. thrice. four and five times. This is the second time I am seeing a bird do the vertical spin. It fills me with delight. I find have reached the lights and I am walking with my head up. I wait for the signal still looking up. The gulls are doing all sorts of flight manoeuvres. There is a delicate quietness around me. And my eyes are on the split tree. From distance it is pure black against the sunlight. From this angle I see two halfs, the split starting from a few inches from the ground to very high in the sky. The branches on both these halfs are spread in opposite direction parallel to my eye. A bird is singing sweetly. She is of the size of my little finger. Her throat is orange. She sings and pecks the branch and sings again. I look at her and I look back at the split tree. It has become one now. It is nature's masterpiece. From this angle it looks a whole spread tree. And I have reached the stop. A guy is smoking and shivering. I look around. The shops, the shrubs, the trees, the cars passing by all are being caressed by the wind. I feel life. I want to share my joy. I want to describe this lovely morning to somebody. I come and write to you. Oh yes. My lonely companion is perched outside my window. I should get back to work now.

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