Sunday, January 29, 2006

In commune with

It is a good afternoon. Sunlight fills my room space through the two glass windows. After my bath, I sit in the sun for a while. I close my eyes, face the sun and feel the warmth. On the forehead. On the eyes. It feels nice. The warmth starts fading in a while. Discomfort opens my eyes, to find my source of warmth being shadowed by a cloud, slowly, gently. There are other small clouds, travelling lazily. I immerse myself in their movement. Racing mind breathes respite and thoughts ease in tune with the clouds. It's a peaceful feeling. Times like these, when I watch the ducks wafting in a pond or follow a butterly flit about the grass, are therapeutic for me. Sometimes I find my peace in watching such things, letting the mind drift, what they call, in commune with nature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I envy you for being able to feel the warmth of the sun on your face, sitting in your room. How very wonderful and just what one yearns for in winter!