Thursday, August 11, 2005

On God, Life and Everything

Q: If Ram and Allah are divided, what will the result be ?
A: Very Simple. One. Ram is the One. Allah is the One. 1/1 = 1.

Q: Why is everyone not one ?
A; Because then who will be tu (2), 3, 4, 5, you get the drift.

Q: Then how come there is one in everyone ?
A; Because 2 = 1 + 1, 3 = 1 + 1 + 1.. you can let go of the drift now.

Q: Why are C programs very selfish ?
A: Because they always begin execution with *main*

Q: How do C programs demonstrate UnionBazi, and Ekta main Taakat ?
A: You have to pile them together, yaani ki (meaning), compile them to make them work.

Q: Comp user, why there is no salvation for you ?
A: Because you "Execute" so many programs a day. On Top of that, you multi-task the execution !

Q: Ok. I understand all that. But how does computer mean everything ?
A: Yeh geek, you wait. Let me take out computer from your life, and you tell what is left ?

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