Friday, August 26, 2005


It has been a while since I sat near the boulder creek.
A long while.
Yesterday, I laid beside the creek.
Hearing. Watching. Listening.
Then I talked to myself.
I reminisced of the day, when I sang for the trees and the ducks. and myself.
They watched me intently first, disinterested later. Yes, how silly. But it felt great tuning the song with flowing waters.
I was reminded of the day I sat near a bursting fall. My visa application had been rejected, sad at the thought of leaving That stream, Those stones. Those trees. That path. That fall. How selfish, an afterthought, a smile.
Such days, and some more.
Memories merged with waters. Flowing.
Giant trees overlooked upon me, reflecting a certain contention.
Yes. Contention it is, I thought.
I am content when I sit near these waters.


Anonymous said...

There's something about the hills, the trees, the desert, the river, the ocean , there's a certain kind of calmness that they bring to you, even as they bring back memories, the happy and the sad.

anshul said...

A glimpse into ourself, if I might rephrase.