Friday, May 06, 2005


(A,B and C have know each other for years)
A: So, do you have girlfriend ?
B: No.
A: I don't believe you. There must be someone.
A: Common, tell me.
B: Ok. I have two. One in India, Another here, in US.
A: No way, I don't believe you.
A: I have heard from my "sources", you do a lot of smoking and boozing. Smoking toh I do, par no beer or wine. I went to this party once and my aunt tried to force it down my throat, I said no. No alcohol.
B: Accha!
A: So how often do you smoke and drink ?
B: I don't.
A: No way, I don't believe you.
Few banalities later conversation ends

A: You know B has two girlfriends. And B was telling me B pukes pretty often, because of heavy drinking.
C: Accha ! Yeh, I talk to B every week, B never mentioned.
A: Arre I have my sources. Pakki Khabar hai !

some days later
A: You never call me.
B: That doesn't mean I have forgotten you.
A: But C said you talk to C every week.
B: No, I haven't talked to C in months.
A: Pata nahin Bhaiya. I talked to C and C said you talk every week.

(Insecurity has a secure home in the heart of the one who has the illusion of possession)


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Chinese whispers, the game.

anshul said...

sthira, true, only this seldom ends.

navin, true (and not that I haven't been A at times, but only in jest)