Saturday, December 10, 2005

My Envy

I envy Desi-Women in Sciences. Especially engg Sciences.
Ask why is that ? It's ok. I will tell anyways. It's kinda funny, but the fact is that usually the Desi-Male is to Desi-Female ratio in the Engg. Sciences, is mostly eight is to two, nine is to one, or ten is to waiting for someone. Imagine their luxury, that all they need to do is shed a sigh or cut a finger, and all eight-nine-ten suitors will leave no moutain unturned, to provide comfort. Like there's was this once when a new entry cut her finger, and people went on war-footing to recover-discover lost band-aids, expired antiseptic creams and what not. And so goes the story that Out of ten five were thrown in trash bins labelled as bhaiya, three were left mending their hearts with band-aid, and the rest two fought a duel, which was won by none, because the new entry already had someone.

(To be Updated)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sahi hai, kon thi woh, aur tu us dus main kon sa tha, cream laane wala ya bandaid lagane wala :).
